Donald Trump’s Plan Against Global Human Rights & Democracy

Project 2025

Trump’s return poses a threat to our global equality movement

Project 2025 is a plan by the Heritage Foundation, who’s intertwined with the Trump campaign, to dismantle American democracy and to reshape global politics by undermining the human rights of LGBTIQ+ people, reversing decades of progress. Its influence threatens to destabilize the European/transatlantic world order, posing significant challenges to equality, human rights, and democratic values.

What Does Project 2025 Mean For Europe & The Global Equality Movement?

Project 2025 eliminates the human rights of LGBTIQ+ people in the United States. This will be a source of inspiration for ultraconservative governments across the world.

Project 2025 will fundamentally alter American diplomacy to push anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ agendas, adopt a “human rights” regime distinct from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and abandon international organizations and traditional diplomatic and security alliances.

Project 2025 will end trade fairness between the EU and US, abandon Article 5 of NATO, and restrict intelligence sharing between the US and EU.
Project 2025 renames USAID’s Office of Gender Equality and shifts to focus on traditional family values, eliminating so-called “support for gender radicalism“, and eliminating funding for LGBTIQ+ initiatives. This shift will undermine global LGBTIQ+ movements and threaten inclusive STD and HIV+ prevention programmes.

Project 2025 will bring back the previous Trump Administration created the Geneva Consensus Declaration and Commission on Unalienable Human Rights to propose a redraft of the international human rights system, excluding human rights for LGBTIQ+ people and the right to chose.

Project 2025 will embolden right-wing extremist groups in Europe, leading to increased discrimination, violence, and legislative rollbacks against LGBTIQ+ communities, thereby threatening the progress made in human rights and equality across the continent.

Help Us Fighting Against Project 2025

Support Forbidden Colours in our fight against Project 2025 and its global impact on the human rights of LGBTIQ+ people. Your donation helps us protect equality, counter discrimination, and maintain the progress we’ve achieved.


  • Defend human rights and democratic values worldwide.
  • Counter the influence of ultraconservative agendas.
  • Ensure continued progress for LGBTIQ+ communities.

Our Partner Organizations Raising Awareness on Project 2025