Donate for LGBTIQ+ rights in Europe

Help us deliver human rights & democracy

Donating to Forbidden Colours is a powerful act of solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. Your support fuels vital programs that combat discrimination, offer lifesaving resources, and champion equality. Every contribution is a step towards a world where everyone can live authentically and without fear. Make an impact—donate today.

Tax reduction for EU Donors

We work closely together with the King Baudouin Foundation, for Belgians donating €40+. They get a 45% tax reduction.
Also residents of France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Denmark can receive their respective national tax advantages through donations when donating through KBF.

Tax reduction for US Donors

Maximize your impact and tax benefits as U.S. donor by donating to Forbidden Colours through Myriad USA. As a recognized 501(c)(3) charity, thanks to the close cooperation with Forbidden Colours and Myriad USA your generous contribution is fully tax-deductible under U.S. law.