Bulgarian President Refuses to Veto Anti-LGBTIQ+ Law

Forbidden Colours expresses deep disappointment and concern following the Bulgarian President’s decision not to veto the anti-LGBTIQ+ law, which will be officially published tomorrow in the Journal. This marks a troubling shift as Bulgaria joins the ranks of countries choosing Russia’s oppressive ideology over democracy and European values.

By allowing this law to move forward, Bulgaria is turning its back on the core principles of human rights and equality that the European Union stands for. This law is not just a Bulgarian issue—this is a Russian law that has found its way into the heart of Europe. The anti-LGBTIQ+ virus is spreading, and we must act now to stop it.

Forbidden Colours is calling on the European Commission to immediately initiate an infringement procedure against Bulgaria, as they did with Hungary. The European Union cannot stand idly by while one of its member states adopts laws that blatantly violate human rights. The European Commission must step in and hold Bulgaria accountable for this dangerous legislation.

In addition, we urge other EU member states to publicly condemn the law and demand that the European Commission takes decisive action, including the freezing of EU funds to Bulgaria until this law is repealed. It’s time for European leaders to stand up for democracy and make it clear that there is no place for Russian-style repression in the European Union.

Forbidden Colours remains committed to fighting this law and supporting the LGBTIQ+ community in Bulgaria and across Europe. We call on all supporters of equality and human rights to join us in this critical battle.